Routine, soft tissue, and orthopaedic surgeries are what we do well at South East Vets
We pride ourselves on maintaining up-to-date techniques and knowledge and have a wide range of specialised equipment to help complete the most complex of surgeries.
Surgery Monitoring
We have a dedicated surgical nurse for monitoring and assistance during procedures and our advanced monitoring equipment for blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, oxygenation and temperature.
Pre-anaesthetic blood profile can be performed and patients may be maintained on intra-venous fluid therapy if required.
Soft Tissue Surgery
Soft Tissue surgery encompasses any non-bone related surgery from basic lump removal to exploratory laparotomies and the correction of major gastro-intestinal accidents.
We routinely perform desexings, caesarians, biopsies, wound stitch-ups and the removal of intestinal foreign bodies.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic surgery encompasses any surgery that is related to bones or joints. It includes procedures such as fracture repair with plates, pins and wires, ligament repair and amputations.
Our veterinarians’ high level of expertise and our fully equipped surgical suite allow us to perform many complex and involved procedures.
Follow-up phone calls and revisits form a vital part of our service to ensure your pet recovers uneventfully and pain free.
Have a concern about your pet’s needs before or after a procedure? Call our friendly staff for advice.
South East Vets
314 Commercial St West
Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Opening Hours
Mon to Fri: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Saturday: 8.30 - 11.30am
Emergency Services are available outside of these hours.
Please call before you come in.